Thursday, June 03, 2010

Back in Mysore!

We arrived here early yesterday morning. As life goes in India, it took us over an hour to get out of the airport, with a mandatory security screening to leave the airport?-! We made the 3 hour drive into Mysore, and arrived just in time to watch the most beautiful sunrise color the sky with purple and pink hues, awakening the birds, and bringing the many bright bright-green palm trees to life.

Oh India, the land of my heart!

Yesterday was spent eating idlis, drinking sweet baby coconuts, and beginning to make a list of all the little odds & ends we need to do to help us get settled into our little apartment. We already have a scooter, and said "hello" to Sharath, as he celebrated Sambahva's first hair-cutting ceremony - a very big day for the family!

Still no news on what our schedule will be for the course... we're all pretty much on a need-to-know bases only. Nevertheless, we are super excited to be back in Mysore again, it truly is like coming home. I think somehow I had forgotten how much I love it here, and how much this place connects me back to my inner most self. It is so nurturing, healing, peaceful - everything one needs to rejuvenate the spirit. I suspect that this will truly be a 'Soul Vacation'!

Practice this morning was divine! It was so nice to just take our time and have a long luxurious practice - no rushing, no hurry - just being in the moment. Of course it helps when the jet-lag wakes you up at 1 am! with nowhere to go and nothing to do but practice!

We continue to think about of all our people back in Victoria, and also all those friends around the world. This city has created some of our deepest and most profound friendships with truly unique and inspiring individuals from across the globe. Being here, we cannot help be remember countless memories filled with laughter and good times over the years. This Yoga Community is really a very special gift that Guruji gave us, and we cherish it, as we continue to honor him in our hearts and minds every day.

Blessings and Warmest Wishes to All!


1 comment:

Heather Morton said...


India, India, India....ah...yah....I can so relate. Just wanted to drop a line...I was talking with Alex Medin for a bit while he was in Mysore.....and that also made my homesick.

India has a very special pull that certainly beckons one to return...I hope to be there in August-September.

If you are interested, I have included a link to my website...and an article about India...just a few notes on what India means.
