Well, the first week of our course is over. It was a challenging week in many ways. As India seems to do, she finds all the cracks and chinks in our personality and goes about in her Mysterious ways to tear down, clean up, rebuild, seal, and heal any of those parts of ourselves that need fixing. You either surrender to her momentum and direction, or much suffering is sure to ensue. So, it was a week of pulling down walls, opening hearts, creating an even stronger foundation upon which to build upon, and cultivating the soil of our souls for this period of growth.
Jeff has had the most difficult week between the two of us for sure. He was struck with a pretty nasty little cold early on this week, which has kept him awake, hacking up a lung, a few nights. He also was chosen to be in the first group of students here to be "tested". So, amidst overcoming not feeling well, he was also in the room adjusting and teaching the rest of us. He did a great job (of course) and today was put on the spot to lead a guided primary class under Sharath's critical gaze and acutely honed ear, which just happens to be completely tuned to hear every little mispronunciation of the Sanskrit counting and posture names.
A little nerve-racking to say the least!
However, now he is finished his "test" (or at least we think so) and he gets to cruise for the rest of our time here, which will be super nice! He'll be able to spend his time focusing on practice and doing his own studies, while the rest of the group sits in anticipation wondering if they are going to be next called in this process of seemingly 'random selection.'
Being the first to be tested has its up-side too!
Although this is the "formal" part of our training here, no matter what happens in that room, I feel that the real test isn't about guiding a class or adjusting postures. The real test is of your character and heart, and as far as this goes, I feel like Mother India has already been instructing, teaching, testing and guiding me in these matters since the first day we stepped off the plane, and set foot upon her ancient earth so rich in wisdom, and integrity.
She has been feeding my soul with her nourishing spiritual milk. However, I've learned that she is only willing to feed those who have the courage to earnestly hunger, and seek to drink from her bitter-sweet life-giving nectar. Luckily, I'm not alone in this yearning. I have Jeff beside me, who daily walks with me hand and hand through the vicissitudes of life, and we are also surrounded here by many beautiful friends who continue to join us time and time again in this monumental quest for truth and righteousness.
Thanks for writing. All the best as the training goes forward. Warm wishes.
Big thanks for sharing Harmony; you put me right there with you... Best Wishes,
Thanks for sharing Harmony. You put u right there with you... Best Wishes,
hi harmony and jeff,
wish I could have been there with you .. perhaps you heard, my (yogastudent) visa didn't go thru! I'll take a month in september instead but of course that is not the training. bummer :(.
love to you both, tim
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