Everyone comes to this practice from a different place. We bring our own bag of "stuff" with us. Being in Mysore is always an interesting metaphor for the practice itself, as everyone shows up with their "luggage". Some have many bags and others have only one, and each bag contains entirely different contents from the others. We all come from different places all over the world, and yet, we enter this practice from the same place: because when it comes right down to it, all we have is ourselves. We each have to struggle to identify the kinds of lenses we are wearing that impair us from seeing Reality as it is. We have to look into our bag of stuff and find out what we've brought with us that only weighs us down, or holds us back, and prevents us from being who we really are. If we are fortunate enough to realize how to release one aspect of our pathology, there is always another level of surrender that awaits, and we are in a continual process of trying to shed each layer we've brought with us... We are all in the process of Learning to Let Go.
It makes one think though... What is it that I'm carrying around with me that inhibits me from truly experiencing and connecting with other people and places? How many times do I judge, comment, criticise or compare unneccessarily? When we let go of our own baggage, we become more open and accepting of other people and paths, because we are less weighed down with old preconcived ideas and beliefs. It is a long journey back to our true selves, but I have a feeling that in the end we'll end up in a place that feels more like "home" then anywhere else.
At the Green Hotel on Sunday morning for the weekly Green Market. A photo of the Calgarian Yoginis here in Mysore, and our "Adopted Canadian" friend Caroline from England - just to remind us of our "Imperial Heritage!"
Tea and Cucumber Sandwiches anyone?It makes one think though... What is it that I'm carrying around with me that inhibits me from truly experiencing and connecting with other people and places? How many times do I judge, comment, criticise or compare unneccessarily? When we let go of our own baggage, we become more open and accepting of other people and paths, because we are less weighed down with old preconcived ideas and beliefs. It is a long journey back to our true selves, but I have a feeling that in the end we'll end up in a place that feels more like "home" then anywhere else.
We were invited to the Indian Song House to celebrate our friend's special day.
The food was amazing, and the company spectacular! A great time was had by all!